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5 Plants to Grow with your Toddler in May

Updated: May 25

One second it's hot.... the next it's raining.... welcome to Britain! Whatever the weather this weekend, get muddy with your tot and get growing. It's a fun bonding activity that doesn't have to cost the earth (no pun intended...)

So, to help you out, here are 5 easy plants to grow in your garden in May with your toddler!

Sanara's Sunflower

1. Sunflowers!

Plant sunflower seeds and watch them grow tall. Tots will love to measure their height against the sunflowers as they grow.

Remember to celebrate on the day the Sunflower reaches their height.

Sunflowers need shelter and sunlight... and you could grow them in pots but get them going outside for some serious height!

Left: This was Sanara's sunflower from last year, around August.

2. Strawberries!

Toddler growing a Strawberry plant

Strawberries are great to grow in hanging baskets or containers, and tots will love to pick and eat their sweet fruits straight from the plant.

Plant them now and they should be ready for the Summer months.

Tip: Get your own seeds by using a potato pealer on a strawberry and rubbing the slices on a bit of kitchen roll. Let the seeds dry a little then plant them!

Sanara's Pumpkin

3. Pumpkins!

Start pumpkin seeds indoors in May and tranport them outdoors when it warms up a bit... your tot will be excited to see the pumpkin vines spread and, come October, harvest their own ready to carve!

Pumpkins are a great thing to plant with your toddler!

Left: This was Sanara's pumpkin in August last year!

Feed the Herbivores at Dinosaur Day

4. Herbs!

Plant easy-to-grow herbs like basil, mint or chives in a dedicated herb garden for your tot. We use herbs all the time in ForestTots, the tots love the smell and use toddler-safe scissors to cut away.

Right: Feed the herbivores activity, using herbs!

If you're growing basil, you could have a make-your-own-pizza night and make an authentic Margherita!

Peas in a Pod

5. Peas!

Plant pea seeds in a sunny spot, preferably near a trellace if you have one, and they will climb!

Tots will love seeing the progress. Not only will they love picking them after around 60 days, peas are pretty fun to eat from the pod!

Thanks so much for reading! Try and grow all 5 plants this year with your toddler... it's your challenge for this weekend!



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