World Ocean Day is on 8th June, and to celebrate and raise awareness, why not try out some of these activities with your toddler this weekend? They have all been tried and tested at our popular ForestTots sessions. We'd love to see your creations, so don't forget to tag us on Facebook or Instagram!

Beach CleanUp! We used our Fish & Sea Activity Kit in a tuff tray and scrunched up some wrappers, foil, paper, whatever you've got that recently encased a snack, and popped it on the sandy/sea playscape. Then, teach your tot to pick up all the micro-litter and pop it in a mini-recycling bin. Teach your tot the dangers of litter to sea life. You could even wrap some of the ForestTots sea creatures in the wrappers, and let your tot set them free!

2. Save the Sea Creatures! - One of our most successful activities during our Penguins & Polar Bears event was the Ice Domes tray. We froze a bowl of water with sea creatures in overnight - and put out pippettes and measuring jugs with luke-warm water, and the tots loved to spend time melting away the ice block to save the animals. It's great for concentration, problem solving and fine motor skills. It can also teach them about the elements, how ice turns into water.

3. Arctic Scene! - We created our own Snow Dough for our Arctic Animals activity. We were able to mould it to shape ice caps for the animals to live on, with use of polar toys figures! Amazing for role play development and learning about the world. We mixed hair conditioner, corn flour and baking soda together to make the pretend snow! It's a bit messier than Snow Dough but kids love the cold, powdery texture that can be squished together to make a snowman!
Add all your arctic creatures to teach your tot about their habitat.

4. Fish & Sea! A plug for one of our more popular sensory play kits... Our Fish & Sea kit comes with some blue sensory rice, shells, sea creature figures, gold coins to hide, magnifying glass and tweezers! Pair this with one of our sensory bowls and let your tot explore their seaside scene.
5. Ocean Bundle!
We also sell an Ocean Sensory bundle, with vivid blue rice and multi-coloured pasta coral! Check them all out at our shop.

These Ocean Day ideas can be really fun and engaging for you and your tot, they are also incredibly educational and fulfilling. They don't have to cost much! Get involved, and send us your pics, we'd love to see your ideas!
Happy Ocean Day!